- fits:
- HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
- ...und mehr.
2024년식 레블500에 사용하려고 구매했습니다. 혼다 순정품이 다소비싼 가격이라서 저렴한 자동차용 필터를 사용하는 소유주도 가끔씩있지만 왠지 사용하기가 불안해서 그나마 저렴한 데이토나 제품으로 주문했습니다. 순정품대비 내부마감 처리가 조금 미흡하지만 사용하는데 큰 문제는 없을것같습니다. 순정필터 가격이 부담되는 소유주들에게 추천합니다.Weiterlesen - fits:
- HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
- ...und mehr.
혼다 레블500에 사용할려고 주문했습니다. 몇번 주문하다보니 벌써 세번째 주문입니다. 오일필터 단품으로 주문하기보단 다른 부품이나 용품들 주문시 몇개씩 추가로 주문하기 좋은 금액대입니다. 혼다 순정품보다는 품질이 조금 아쉽지만 그럼에도 데이토나 제품답게 상당히 품질이 괜찮아서 순정품 대용으로 사용하기 좋습니다.Weiterlesen - fits:
- HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
- ...und mehr.
혼다 레블500 순정품 대용품으로 사용하기 좋습니다. 순정품과 같이 놓고 비교해보면 안쪽 마감처리나 패킹부분이 조금은 부족해보이지만 가격적인 측면을 생각해보면 충분히 납득가능한 수준입니다. 엔진오일 교환하면서 오일필터도 같이 교환해주고 천키로미터이상 주행해봤지만 특별히 누유가있거나 이상한 느낌은 없는듯합니다. 앞으로 오일필터는 이제품으로 쭉 이용할것 같습니...Weiterlesen - fits:
- SUZUKI VANVAN 200 02-13 [Type:F].
- KAWASAKI VULCAN400 900 Classic 07-16 [Type:R].
- KAWASAKI VULCAN400 900 Custom 07-08 [Type:R].
- KAWASAKI VULCAN1500 VULCAN Mean Streak 1600 01-03 [Type:R].
- ...und mehr.
최초 ZRX400을 구매하고 이번이 두번째 구매하는 데이토나 패드입니다만
제품은 매우 만족 합니다, 오래 사용중이었기도 하며 이번에 교체시기가 도래하여
구매를했습니다 한가지 아쉬운 점은 양옆셋트로 판매를 했으면 합니다만
이게 없는부분 참 아쉽습니다.Weiterlesen - fits:
- HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
- ...und mehr.
2024년식 레블500에 사용하려고 구매했습니다. 혼다 순정품이 다소비싼 가격이라서 저렴한 자동차용 필터를 사용하는 소유주도 가끔씩있지만 왠지 사용하기가 불안해서 그나마 저렴한 데이토나 제품으로 주문했습니다. 순정품대비 내부마감 처리가 조금 미흡하지만 사용하는데 큰 문제는 없을것같습니다. 순정필터 가격이 부담되는 소유주들에게 추천합니다.Weiterlesen - fits:
- HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
- ...und mehr.
Rebel1100 순정 대용으로 구매했습니다.
순정보다 저렴한 가격으로 부담없이 이용할수 있을거 같습니다.
데이토나 신뢰있는 브랜드라 믿고 구매합니다.
범용 필터라 타브랜드 바이크로 갈아타더라도 활용성도 좋네요
재구매각입니다.Weiterlesen - fits:
- KAWASAKI Z900RS 17-24
- SUZUKI BANDIT250 90-94
- SUZUKI Zixxer 250 SF 20-23
- SUZUKI Gixxer 250 20-23
- ...und mehr.
This inner half cover is soft and elastic, that suits for most sport bikes between 250 and 600cc.
Nice and excellent product. Recommended.Weiterlesen - fits:
- SUZUKI SKYWAVE400 burgman 07-16 *CK44A/CK45A
- SUZUKI SKYWAVE400 burgman 01-06 *CK42A/CK43A
- SUZUKI SKYWAVE400 burgman 98-00 *CK41A
- ...und mehr.
Quality is good and the shipping was fast.. thanks you. The size could have also gone a little smaller for my Kawasaki Z H2, but is still ok.Weiterlesen - fits:
- SUZUKI DESPELADO400 96-99 [Type:F].
- SUZUKI DESPELADO400X 96-99 [Type:F].
- SUZUKI GLADIUS650 400 10-12 [Type:F right side] ABS
- KAWASAKI ZEPHYR1100 RS 96-03 [Type:F right side].
- KAWASAKI ZR-7 99-01 [Type:F right side].
- ...und mehr.
배송 빠르고, 할인할때 잘 샀습니다
아직 장착하지는 않았지만
제품 호환 문의도 디테일하게 답변 받았습니다
제품설명에 주철로터에는 사용하지 말라는 주의사항이 있어 문의했는데, sv650 순정로터에는 장착 가능하다는 답변에 구매결정하였습니다Weiterlesen - fits:
- KAWASAKI W650 99 [EJ650C] [Frame No.]EJ650A-000001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 99 [EJ650A] [Frame No.]EJ650A-000001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 08 [EJ650E] [Frame No.]EJ650A-061001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 08 [EJ650C] [Frame No.]EJ650A-061001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 08 [EJ650D] [Frame No.]EJ650A-061001 and later
- ...und mehr.
It had a shorter tail than the original and a Lukatsu tail brake light, so it had a sense of unity, and it was nice to have all the additional parts to attach a license plate.Weiterlesen - fits:
- SUZUKI VANVAN 200 02-13 [Type:F].
- KAWASAKI VULCAN400 900 Classic 07-16 [Type:R].
- KAWASAKI VULCAN400 900 Custom 07-08 [Type:R].
- KAWASAKI VULCAN1500 VULCAN Mean Streak 1600 01-03 [Type:R].
- ...und mehr.
This was my first time purchasing and installing brake pads. The Red "AKA" Pad seems to be a good "moderate" choice. The price is average, and the quality seems high.
The pads I replaced were the fac...Weiterlesen - fits:
- KAWASAKI W400 -08
- KAWASAKI W650 -08
- KAWASAKI W800 11 Not available for '21 models
The sidepanels arrived very quickly, 5days, after ordering then, excellent service. The panels are constructed relatively well but do require a bit of time and effort to fit due to the upper fittings ...Weiterlesen - Pipe Engine GuardDurch DAYTONAfits:
- KAWASAKI W800 19-21
- KAWASAKI W650 99-08
- KAWASAKI W800 11-16
I ordered these engine bars for my Kawasaki w650 as the were mot to big and looked OK. I'm so glad I went with them as they were an easy fit and don't look out of place. I would recommend them.Weiterlesen - fits:
- HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
- ...und mehr.
Gotta have oil filters, right? I like to change filters often but don't want to put a bunch of money into it if I can avoid it.Great filters. I learned about these when I had an older bike and found o...Weiterlesen - fits:
- HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4)
- HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2)
- HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
- ...und mehr.
오일필터 찾던중에 데이토나 구매하였다 외경64mm 딱맞을것 같다 당장사용할려고 구매한건 아니다 가격도 저렴하고 일제품이니 일단 믿고구매하였다 치수는 자세히 표기돼지는 않았어요 다른 제품들도 제품 치수를 표기해서 소비자가 쉽게 호완될수있는지 알게 해주었으면 한다Weiterlesen - fits:
- KAWASAKI W650 99 [EJ650C] [Frame No.]EJ650A-000001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 99 [EJ650A] [Frame No.]EJ650A-000001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 08 [EJ650E] [Frame No.]EJ650A-061001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 08 [EJ650D] [Frame No.]EJ650A-061001 and later
- KAWASAKI W650 08 [EJ650C] [Frame No.]EJ650A-061001 and later
- ...und mehr.
item arrived fast to USA and in perfect shape. Very well packaged. fender is high quality and is almost polished with very slight brushed look if you couldn't tell from the pictures. Weiterlesen - fits:
- SUZUKI GSX750S3 84-85
- SUZUKI GSX750F 89-97
- SUZUKI GSF750 96-00
- SUZUKI GSX750E 80-83
- SUZUKI VX800 89-94
- ...und mehr.
DAYTONA's accessories are not the first time I have come into contact with either the short tail kit or the material used in the design of this car's clothing. The price is very careful and cost-effec...Weiterlesen - fits:
- KAWASAKI VULCAN900Classic 07-16
- KAWASAKI VULCAN900Custom 07-08
- ...und mehr.
The cover is very beautiful, high quality, and has fine craftsmanship!
Very smooth and fit.
But the price is a bit expensiveWeiterlesen - fits:
- KAWASAKI W400 06 [EJ400A] [Frame No.]EJ400A-000001 to 006000
- KAWASAKI W650 01 [EJ650C] [Frame No.]EJ650A-030001 to 037000
- KAWASAKI W650 01 [EJ650A] [Frame No.]EJ650A-030001 to 037000
- KAWASAKI W400 08 [EJ400B] [Frame No.]EJ400A-009001 or later
- KAWASAKI W400 08 [EJ400A] [Frame No.]EJ400A-009001 or later
- ...und mehr.
I ordered one for my K3 that I just took delivery of because I was told that it could be installed on a W800.The plating quality is good, polished and very gorgeous.Installation was as easy as I expec...Weiterlesen - fits:
- HONDA CB1100
- ...und mehr.
Used at Touring destinationNo problem even if it runs out at worst… I like to use it at this level.If you can afford it, buy a good Seat.Weiterlesen